Oregon 2017


Central Oregon and Coast (at Lincoln City)

We are surrounded by sanderlings so will go with the flow and post a few more to start with.


Early October. 

     More Sanderlings


"Flipper" Needs a Nap

This is the very common "Harbour Seal". Their main natural enemies in the water are sharks and orcas. On land they seem fearless and will haul out of the water almost anywhere for a snooze in the sun. Best to give them their space as they are quite able to defend themselves. Even dogs know enough to steer clear.


I Hope That's Not the Alarm


... Guess Not


"Mr. Bubbles"

We came across this character at "D" River. His bubble making formula was miraculous. Some of his creations were a couple of meters (6 ft.) in diameter and durable, surviving contact with the sand and water. He used a compressed air contraption to inflate them.